Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April already? ...and identical weather...

Climatically, Malaysia is a great place for a person who doesn't much like change...there's no grief about summer ending and days getting shorter. It's always the same, 32 degC with a chance of a thunderstorm. I never bother looking at the forecast. Apart from when it's pouring (almost daily, and ALWAYS when I've left my umbrella home), it's always swimming pool and beach weather - the only difference is which side of the country to go to to avoid monsoon. Over Easter, a buddy visiting from the UK and I spent 4 blissful days in Langkawi (It seems I have metamorphosed from a 'high altitude trekking' type holidayer into a 'doing nothing' holidayer). I was quite proud of my ability to doze on a deck chair for hours on end (sensibly under umbrella -some things haven't changed). On a particularly active day we rented a scooter and did an hour of sightseeing. Even my ski trip in Japan back in late Feb was spectacularly lazy - some called it the 'coffee shop tour' of Niseko mountain...there were cute little coffee shops buried in powder all over the place...
I must say it's lovely when people notice my blog postings drying up. Someone even wondered if I was still alive. I guess the novelty of being in a new place has has worn off a bit (thank Goodness!) and the interesting things that I notice now fall under those no-no topics (politics, race/religion, business dealings, the nocturnal habits of expatriats in seedy nightspots!).
So instead I'll talk about kittens!..........in Langkawi , my friend and I visited a great resort called Bonton, owned by an Aussie animal lover who set up an animal refuge on the island. To my delight, the resort was full of animals and profits go to the refuge (great excuse for a 3 course meal if ever I had one!) . There was even a cat in the empty bungalow that the staff showed us when I was sussing out a place to stay next time...not a good place for people with allergies...
As an aside, I'm so glad K explained the benefits of the US Primaries to me while she was here. I am now also hooked on CNN too & even finding the US election coverage vaguely interesting...who would have thought that possible a few weeks ago when I was snorting in disgust at CNN's pronouncement of: 'entire world mesmorised by US election' or similar.
I have uploaded some photos, but no captions, lah. Quiz: See if you can work out which is Japan and which Langkawi for yourself.